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"The universe is immense and rich, and I believe that the things it contains can also be seen and known when we look within ourselves.

I create to explore the universe, and to understand that the universe inhabits me."

“My creative process is also a means of knowledge. I transform research, reflections and imaginations about the cosmos and its things into colors and shapes. The artworks fluctuate between what is already known and what is mysterious and incognito. 
The artworks affirm their own  existence and consequently open up other possible worlds. "


Sissi Aida Breda, was born in Caxias do Sul, RS, Brazil in 1989. She took degree in Visual Art Education, from Instituto de Artes, UFRGS, Brazil in 2016. Since 2017 she lives and works in Germany. Since 2022 she is artist member of the art association GB Kunst - Trier and lecturer for ceramics at the VHS Kaiserslautern. International exhibitions and publications in Brazil, Germany, Switzerland.

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